About Us

LE Rock - Lakes Entrance Rock & Roll provides classes on Tuesday nights at the Mechanics Hall.
(near Shire Library, Woolworths Carpark)
Beginners Class - 7pm-8pm
Intermediate Class - 8.30pm-9.30pm
No Partner required
$13 per person - First Class FREE
Dance partners Rima & Greg, started LE Rock 6 years ago in the Rec room at the Lakes Entrance RSL, which they quickly outgrew & moved to the Mechanics Hall.
They also teach at Rusty Rockers in Paynesville on a Thursday night.
And with a pipe dream & a conversation over 4 years ago,
LE Rocktober was born!

The dreaded "C" pandemic put a hold on the original Festival plans, but that just made them, along with their Committee, more determined to make it happen! And here we are, ready to rock out our 2nd LE Rocktober annual Festival.